Betterment Projects

In 2022, our Design Committee worked on revamping the Commons Park Kiosk that has been vacant for many years.
Local artist Peggy Furlin created renderings of historic homes and buildings that leads to a walking tour for our locals and visitors.
This is a great way for us to show off our historic town and better appreciate the charm that we are so lucky to be surrounded by in Legendary Lake Mills.
The Legendary Lane renovation is complete. We invite you to take a stroll through the alley between 201 and 203 North Main Street to admire the plantings, lighting, and gorgeous pathway.

Lake Mills Local Aaron Wendt created a bird watching checklist for the Glacial Drumlin Trail for his Eagle Scout Project. Legendary Lake Mills (Chamber of Commerce) helped to finance this project.
Birding checklists were created and are available in waterproof boxes in three locations in the marsh. Over 200 birds have been documented in that area.
Wendt led over 30 people who devoted approximately 140 service hours in a birding project to encourage birdwatching and conservation in the Zeloski Marsh Wildlife Area west of Lake Mills.