LD Fargo Library Expansion
LD Fargo Library Expansion Project
The L.D. Fargo Library is working towards a renovation and expansion to add a second floor and possibly enclose the open area to the West. This will greatly expand the Children’s Area and add meeting space. This is a project with an anticipated cost of $4,500,000.
City of Lake Mills Referendum
On April 1, 2025, the City of Lake Mills voters will be asked whether or not they support a $2,500,000 increase in the property tax levy going forward to expand and renovate the LD Fargo Library to better suit the Lake Mills Community.
Why Expand and Renovate?
A July data survey compared L.D. Fargo with more than 40 libraries across Wisconsin. Data shows that per capita, LD Fargo has more cardholders, more operating hours, higher annual circulation, and 50% higher children’s circulation. But the library’s square footage of half of the recommended long-term space for our service needs and trends in public library service. Among our Wisconsin peers we have half the square footage per cardholder at 1.7 to 3.1 square feet.
As the community has grown over the past 120 years the library has only increased in size once, with a 1965 addition to the back of the library. Our 11,000 square foot building is too small to accommodate the current community and ongoing growth, which has followed a constant upward trend. In 2020 the library contracted with FEH Design, award-winning architects known for their work with libraries, to develop conceptual designs based on a space needs study. People from throughout the community were involved by giving their input. The current building cannot house the recommended collection size of 39,500 items and the size of the building limits the services that can be provided. The current library lacks open and private study areas, training space, play areas for children, digital media areas, and separate meeting space.
Why Referendum?
Based on the City’s current structure and funding mechanisms, a referendum would be required to fund the operational costs associated with a library expansion. The total cost is estimated to be $4,500,000. $2,000,000 of these funds will be raised privately and $2,500,000 will be through capital funding.
While a referendum question is not required to fund capital expenses, the City of Lake Mills and LD Fargo Library committee wants residents to consider the full tax impact of the project, as it would impact the debt and operational service levy.
All across America, libraries are on the cutting edge – always finding new ways to add value to the community and create a better quality of life. Libraries are equal-access institutions; they are a place where all members of the community can come, without cost, to access materials, acquire information, learn new skills, and gather together. Libraries also play an integral role in fostering lifelong learning, civic engagement, and fighting disinformation. Libraries embrace progress, reaching beyond known solutions and formats while bringing people and information together.
For the current facility to be a community asset with enough space to fully serve programming needs and offer a variety of exciting opportunities to all community residents, a greater variety of spaces are needed to meet current and future program needs:
- Children’s area will increase to allow for additional programs
- New study rooms will serve many purposes such as proctoring tests and for small groups of adults and students working on projects
- Much-needed meeting and program rooms
- Quiet reading areas for both adults and children
- Expanded computer areas with flexible technology
- Much – needed storage and staff work areas
Financial Impact of Library Referendum
2025 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $4.5 million
Funding Sources:
• $1M-1.5M -capital campaign fundraising
• $100,000+ Extraordinary Women Campaign
• $500,000 from Foundation support
• $400,000 in existing Library funds
• $2M-2.5M from City capital improvement funds
Estimated Annual Tax Increase:
• $81-$83 annually for 20 years on a $375,000 home
• Or approx. $22.14 per $100,000. of assessed value
Vote April 1st
Vote April 1st. Polls at the Municipal Building (200 Water Street, Lake Mills, WI) are open from 7:00 am through 8:00 pm.
Additional Resources
City of Lake Mills Voting Information
100 Extraordinary Women Initiative
The L.D Fargo Library is implementing the national 100 Extraordinary Women initiative to the Lake Mills community to raise these funds. This initiative has worked well for libraries in many small communities, raising at least $100,000 each time. The fundraising committee is asking 100 women to each pledge $1,000 over 5 years ($200 per year or $17 per month). Women can give in their own names or donate in honor of a woman they would like to honor.
If this feels overwhelming, groups of women can come together for one gift of $1,000 over 5 years. The fundraising committee will be holding a Celebration Event in Spring to honor everyone who has contributed. More details to come.
Additional Comments
We are at a historic moment where bold thinking will determine Lake Mills’ future. The Library project is an opportunity to pay it forward and create a place that strives to bring people together for common goals, beckons newcomers, fosters the growth of our youth, and enriches the lives of our mature citizens.
We have a fantastic opportunity – to expand on a building that was designed as a library to one that will meet all of our needs now and long into the future. If we can come together as a community now, we will have a library that will serve us well long into the future.
Gerard Saylor, Executive Director LD Fargo Library